
(科研基盤研究 (B)「南アジアのコネクティビティとエネルギー転換:開発と環境保全をめぐる文理融合研究」共催)

2024年09月26日(木) 16:00 - 17:30


科研基盤研究 (B)「南アジアのコネクティビティとエネルギー転換:開発と環境保全をめぐる文理融合研究」共催

日時 2024年09月26日(木) 16:00 - 17:30
会場 ハイブリッド開催
対象 教員,院生,および同等の知識をお持ちの方
使用言語 英語
参加登録 ※事前登録制です。下記より参加登録をお願い致します。
参加登録 (締切:9/23)
16:00 - 17:30
India's Northeast and Japan's Development Role: Opportunity and Challenges
Prakash PANNEERSELVAM(神戸大学大学院法学研究科/National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus)
India and Japan share a strong strategic partnership based on historical ties and are free from political constraints. They consider each other as essential partners, sharing values of democracy and the market economy. The two countries have great synergy at both the Indo-Pacific and global levels. Their development cooperation is a key aspect of the Japan-India Special Strategic Global Partnership. Japan is one of India’s oldest and most important development partners, providing significant Official Development Assistance (ODA). This assistance acts as a catalyst for economic development, particularly in areas such as power, transportation, and environmental projects. In India’s Northeast region, Japan’s ODA plays a crucial role, significantly enhancing roadway connectivity, constructing river bridges, and providing electric power to parts of the region. The impact of Japan's ODA in India's Northeast region is substantial, and this discussion aims to highlight the strategic partnership between India and Japan and the role of Japan's development assistance in the region's development activities.