

2022年3月29日(火)10:00 ~ 11:30


神戸大学金融研究会/神戸大学経済経営研究所ラテンアメリカ政治経済研究部会 共催

日時 2022年3月29日(火)10:00 ~ 11:30
会場 Zoom利用によるオンラインでの開催
対象 教員、院生、および同等の知識をお持ちの方
使用言語 英語
参加登録 ※事前登録制です。下記より参加登録をお願い致します。追って、招待URLをご連絡いたします。
参加登録 (締切:3/24)
10:00 ~ 11:30
The Impact of the Chilean Pension Withdrawals during the Covid Pandemic on the Future Savings Rate
Carlos MADEIRA(Senior Economist, Financial Research Area, Financial Policy Division, Central Bank of Chile)
Chile implemented pension withdrawals during the Covid pandemic at a much larger scale than other OECD countries. Estimating a life cycle model with I find that households consume a significant fraction of their noncontributory pension wealth, implying a tradeoff between improving public pensions and increasing savings. Counterfactual simulations show that the pandemic pension withdrawals may decrease the future savings rate by 1.7%. Furthermore, policy reforms may decrease the aggregate savings rate by 0.2% for each percentage point of solidarity rate tax from current workers. The solidarity taxes increase substantially the pension income of poor retirees, but their effects decline over time.