

2021年1月19日(火)13:00 ~ 14:30


日時 2021年1月19日(火)13:00 ~ 14:30
会場 Zoom利用によるオンラインでの開催
対象 教員、院生、および同等の知識をお持ちの方
使用言語 日本語
参加登録 ※事前登録制です。下記より参加登録をお願い致します。追って、招待URLをご連絡いたします。
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13:00 ~ 14:30
Can Childcare Benefits Increase Maternal Employment? Evidence from Childcare Benefits Policy in Japan
佐々木 勝(大阪大学大学院経済学研究科)
浅川 慎介(大阪大学経済学研究科 博士後期課程/日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2))
We estimate the policy impacts of the resumption of income thresholds for childcare benefits (CB) policy in April 2012 on female labor market participation, expenditure on childcare services, and child health outcomes using the Longitudinal Survey of Newborns in the 21st Century in Japan. We use a regression discontinuity design and find that the reduction of CB payments in households where the annual income of the higher-earning exceeded their threshold encouraged mothers to start working as part-time workers or self-employed, both in terms of intensive and extensive margins of labor supply. Furthermore, we find that some mothers who started working as part-time workers because of the cuts in CB used to work full-time before giving birth and quit after giving birth. Even though the mothers resumed work outside the home, expenditure on childcare services and child health outcomes were little affected. Our results imply that the CB payments had a negative income effect on employment of mothers who used to work outside the home before giving birth and might prevent some mothers from pursuing their lifetime careers, especially among higher-income households.