ロミチ, イヴァン

ロミチ, イヴァンROMIC Ivan

役職 / Title 特命助教 / Project Assistant Professor
研究部門 / Research Division グローバル金融研究部門 / Global Finance
学歴 / Education
University of Split, Graduate School of Economics,
Department of Economics, Master of economics
大阪市立大学 大学院経済学研究科 現代経済専攻 後期博士課程 単位取得退学
学位/ Degree
博士(経済学) 大阪市立大学
職歴/ Employment History
大阪市立大学経済学研究科 特別研究員(研究職)
大阪市立大学経済学研究科 非常勤講師(教育職)
Northwestern Polytechnical University,
School of Artificial Intelligence, Optics, and Electronics (iOPEN), Xi'an, China. Postodoctoral Research Fellow
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics,
Statistics and Mathematics College, Kunming, China. Visiting researcher
東京工業大学科学技術 創生研究院 研究員
神戸大学経済経営研究所 特命助教
研究分野/ Research Area ミクロ政策分析 / Microeconomic Policy Analysis
研究課題 / Research Topic Evolutionary game theory and behavioral economics

研究業績 / Research Achievements

  • 研究業績

    研究業績 / Research Achievements

    論文 / Publications

    Title   Date
    "Optimal Control of Networked Reaction-Diffusion System" (with Shupeng Gao, Lili Chang, Zhen Wang, Marko Jusup, and Petter Holme) Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19, no. 188 2022年
    "Social physics" (with Marko Jusup, Petter Holme, Kiyoshi Kanazawa, Misako Takayasu, Zhen Wang, Suncana Gecek et al) Physics Reports 948, pp.1-148 2022年
    "Evolutionary dynamics drives role specialization in a community of players." (with Jia, Danyang, Xinyu Wang, Zhao Song, Xuelong Li, Marko Jusup, and Zhen Wang) Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17, no. 168 2020年
    "Freedom of choice adds value to public goods." (with Lei Shi, Yongjuan Ma, Zhen Wang, Boris Podobnik, H. Eugene Stanley, Petter Holme, and Marko Jusup) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, no. 30 2020年
    "Functional diversity in Keihanshin Metropolitan Area." Regional Studies, Regional Science 5, no. 1:204-211 2018年
    "Ecosystem engineering as an energy transfer process: a simple agent-based model." (with Yoshihiro Nakajima) Theoretical Ecology 11, no. 2: 175-187 2018年

    学会、ワークショップ / Conferences and Workshops

    Title Place Date
    "Game Theory of Hometown Tax System," The 20th International Conference on Social Dilemmas Leiden University, Netherlands July 5, 2024
    "Freedom of Choice in Economic Games," FEBT 2024 Summer School in Behavioral Economics University of Split, Croatia June 27, 2024
    (Moderator) Joint CCSS-UvA Workshop on Computational Social Science and Intelligent Systems, Amsterdam 2024 University of Amsterdam, Netherlands March 6-7, 2024
    "Social Networking Agency: From Theory to Application," Joint CCSS-UvA Workshop on Computational Social Science and Intelligent Systems, Amsterdam 2024 University of Amsterdam, Netherlands March 6, 2024
    "Freedom of Choice in Economic Games," FEBT 2023 Summer School in Behavioral Economics University of Split, Croatia July 6, 2023
    "Freedom of Choice in Economic Games," Social Psychology Brownbag Talks: Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands June 29, 2023
    "Freedom of Choice in Economic Games," Research Lab Meetings Leiden University, Netherlands June 20, 2023
    (Moderator) CCSS International Symposium on Behavioral and Computational Social Science Online May 8, 2023
    (Moderator) "Session 2," CCSS School on Computational Social Science: Agent-Based Models (ABM) in Economics Online January 20, 2023
    "Freedom of Choice in Economic Games," CCSS International Workshop on Computational Social Science Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan November 30, 2022
    "How freedom of choice adds value to public goods," Workshop on Economic & Financial Networks, NetSci-X Special Workshop, International School and conference on Network Science Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan January 20-23, 2020
    "Multidimensional Analysis of Economic Diversification: A Case Study of Japanese Cities," 13th International Conference: "Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competitiveness, Innovation and Well-being" Bol island Brač, Croatia May 22-24, 2019
    "Ecosystem engineering in natural and social systems," International Conference on Socioeconomic Systems with ICT and Networks, JAFEE 20th Annual Meeting at University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan March 26-27, 2016

    その他 (奨学金・受賞歴など) / Others

    • June 2023
      Visiting researcher at the Institute of Psychology, University of Leiden, the Netherlands.
    • February - March 2018
      Visiting researcher at Research Center of Mathematics for Social Creativity, Hokkaido University.
    • July 2016
      10th Summer School in Individual and Agent-Based Modeling. Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden), Germany. Learning and Gaining from your Model: A Course in Analysis, Application, and Publication of Individual/AgentBased Models.
    • July 2015
      Lipari School on Computational Complex Systems – Jacob T. Schwartz International School. Mapping the World. From open data to crowdsourcing and bottom-up society: models, algorithms, and applications.
    • April 2015 - March 2018
      Osaka City University, Urban Research Plaza Special (Young) Research Fellow.
    • April 2013 - March 2017
      Japanese Government (MEXT) Research Scholarship.


    2024~2025年度 科学研究費補助金:基盤研究(C)"Polarization and Free-Riding in Collective Action"(研究代表者)