藤山 敬史

藤山 敬史Keishi FUJIYAMA

役職 准教授
研究部門 企業情報
生年月 昭和61年4月
平成22年 3月
平成24年 3月
平成27年 3月
平成27年 3月
平成27年 4月
研究分野 会計情報分析
研究課題 のれんの減損損失に対する制度要因の影響











Title   Date
The Japanses Accounting Review (編著)(with Laixun Zhao, Hidetoshi Yamaji, Masahiro Enomoto, and Akinobu Shuto), Vol.11 & Vol.12, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration,Kobe University, 53pp. December 2022
The Japanses Accounting Review (編著)(with Laixun Zhao, Hidetoshi Yamaji, Masahiro Enomoto, and Akinobu Shuto), Vol.9 & Vol.10, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration,Kobe University, 56pp. December 2020


Title   Date
"The Influence of Informal Institutions on Impaired Asset Write-offs: Securing Future and Current Pies for Payout in Japan" (Ed. by K. Ito and M. Nakano), International Perspectives of Accounting and Corporate Behavior, Springer, Feburary 2014 Feburary 2014


Title   Date
"Employment Protection, Corporate Governance, and Labor Productivity around the World" (with G. Li, C. Wu, and Y. Zheng) Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol. 92, 101978 2024年4月
"The Effect of Voluntary International Financial Reporting Standards Adoption on Information Asymmetry in the Stock Market: Evidence from Japan" (with J. Kim and Y. Koga) Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 69, 102250 2024年4月
「外国人持株比率と企業特性」 (金鐘勲と共著)『大銀協フォーラム研究助成論文集』第28号 2024年2月
「親企業がJクラブの戦略性に与える影響と対応:クラブの自律性と主体性の分析」 (中村英仁と共著)『スポーツマネジメント研究』第15巻第1号 3-21頁 2023年3月
"Incorporating Piecewise-linear Variables into an Empirical Model of Non-current Asset Impairment Timeliness" The Japanese Accounting Review, Vol. 12, pp.1-21 December 2022
「清酒酒蔵における原価計算・管理会計実務:新潟の酒蔵に関する複数事例研究」 (セルメス鈴木寛之と共著) 『国民経済雑誌』第226巻6号 83-100頁 2022年12月
"Strategic Management Forecasts and Accounting Choices: A Case of Employee Downsizing in Japan" (with M. Kuroki) Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp.91-109 December 2020
「従業員と会計・情報開示」 (森脇敏雄/深谷優介と共著) 『国民経済雑誌』第221巻4号 37-54頁 2020年4月
「日本企業による利益平準化」 (古賀裕也と共著) 『国民経済雑誌』第217巻3号 57-81頁 2018年3月
「解題深書 会計ジャーナル研究入門」 『企業会計』第67巻第12号 1699-1703頁 2015年12月
「固定資産の減損損失の適時性」 『インベスター・リレーションズ』第8号 2014年10月
"Quarterly Earnings Management around the World: Loss Avoidance or Earnings Decrease Avoidance?" (with T. Kagaya, T. Suzuki, and Y. Takahashi) Hitotsubashi journal of Commerce and Management, Vol.48, No.1 October 2014
「減損損失計上の意思決定に及ぼす経営者交代の影響」 『産業経理』第74巻第2号 157-168頁 2014年7月


Title   Date
「M&Aと減損損失」 RIEB Discussion Paper Series, DP2024-J04, 神戸大学経済経営研究所 2024年5月
"Estimating a Firm-Year Measure of Conditional Conservatism for Non-U.S. Firms: Evidence from Japan" (with Tomoaki Yamashita) RIEB Discussion Paper Series, DP2022-02, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University February 2022
"Dynamics of Standard Setter's Translation: 'Goodwill' in Japanese GAAP" RIEB Discussion Paper Series, DP2018-08, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University March 2018
"Asset Impairment Accounting Decisions and Employee Downsizing in Japan" RIEB Discussion Paper Series, DP2016-10, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University March 2016
(Revised 2018-4)
"The Influences of Culture on Goodwill Impairment Loss Decisions: Evidence from EU firms" (with S. J. Gray) Working Paper, The Hitotsubashi University Center for Japanese June 2014


Category Title Place Date
司会 Accounting Issues, Japan Accounting Research Symposium Kwansei Gakuin University July 12, 2024
発表 "Transitioning from a bank towards an equity-outsider financing system in Japan: The impact on income smoothing practice over 40 years," (co-authored with Sidney J. Gray and Yuya Koga), The Eleventh International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Regent Taipei Hotel June 21, 2024
討論 "International GAAP Differences, Modified IFRS, and the Role of Big 4 Auditors," (報告者:Hong Duong氏 (Old Dominion University)), American Accounting Association 2024 International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting Atlanta, Georgia January 27, 2024
学会運営 The 14th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review Kobe University
(In-person; Online)
December 23, 2023
発表 "Transitioning from a Bank towards an Equity-Outsider Financing System in Japan: The Impact on Income Smoothing Practice over 40 Years," 2023 Symposium on Economics and Finance in the Asia-Pacific (The 9th Hanyang-Kobe-Nanyang Extended Conference) Nanyang Technological University November 28, 2023
発表 "Estimating a Firm-Year Measure of Conditional Conservatism for Non-U.S. Firms: Evidence from Japan," TJAR International Workshop Kobe University July 23, 2023
発表 "Asset Impairment Accounting Decisions And Employee Downsizing In Japan," 14th IAAER World Congress of Accounting Educators and Researchers IÉSEG School of Management December 1, 2022
学会運営 The 13th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review Kobe University (Online) October 29, 2022
発表 "Asset Impairment Accounting Decisions and Employee Downsizing in Japan," American Accounting Association International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting (Online) February 4, 2022
討論 "The Effect of Tax Deferral Election on Competition for the Employee,"(報告者:Tien-Wei Hwang氏 (National Chengchi University and National Tsing Hua University)), American Accounting Association International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting (Online) February 4, 2022
発表 "Asset impairment accounting decisions and employee downsizing in Japan," 会計学セミナー 京都大学 (Online) 2021年12月18日
学会運営 The 12th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review Kobe University (Online) November 6, 2021
発表 "Market reaction to employee downsizing disclosure in Japan," (co-authored by Yusuke Fukaya, Keejae Hong, and Toshio Moriwaki), 日本インベスター・リレーションズ学会第18回年次大会「気候変動開示とIR」 (Online) 2021年10月24日
発表 "Market reaction to employee downsizing disclosure in Japan," (co-authored by Yusuke Fukaya, Keejae Hong, and Toshio Moriwaki), 日本会計研究学会第80回全国大会 (Online) 2021年9月10日
学会運営 The 11th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review Kobe University (Online) December 26, 2020
討論 「借り換えリスクと従業員のダウンサイジング」(報告者:金鉉玉氏 (東京経済大学)・藤谷涼祐氏(東京経済大学)), 第44回日本経営財務研究学会全国大会 (Online) October 4, 2020
発表 "Employee Protection, Corporate Governance, and Labor Productivity around the World," (co-authored by G. Li, C. Wu and Y. Zhang), Korean Accounting Association Summer Meeting (Online) June 26, 2020
司会 The 10th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University December 22, 2019
学会運営 The 10th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University December 22, 2019
発表 「日本企業に対するKhan and Watts(2009)によるCスコア適用の妥当性について」 (山下知晃氏と共著)日本会計研究学会第78回全国大会 神戸学院大学 2019年9月9日
発表 "Transitioning from a bank towards an equity financing system in Japan: The impact of income smoothing practice over 40 years," (with S. Gray and Y. Koga), 2019 Korean Accounting Association Annual Conference and Asian Accounting Associations Conference The-K Hotel, Gyeongju, Korea June 20-22, 2019
発表 "The effect of voluntary IFRS adoption on information asymmetry: Evidence from Japan," (with J. Kim and Y. Koga), 42nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association Aliathon Holiday Village, Cyprus May 31, 2019
発表 "Transitioning from a bank towards an equity financing system in Japan: The impact of income smoothing practice over 40 years," (with S. Gray and Y. Koga), 42nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association Aliathon Holiday Village, Cyprus May 30, 2019
学会運営 The 9th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University January 5, 2019
発表 "The effect of Voluntary IFRS adoption on Information Asymmetry: Evidence from Japan," (with Jonghoon Kim and Yuya Koga), 会計研究学会第68回関西部会 京都産業大学 2018年12月8日
発表 "The Influence of National Culture on Goodwill Impairment Recognition under IFRS: Evidence from the European Union," (with Sidney Gray), 13th World Congress Accounting Educators and Researchers Sydney, Australia November 9, 2018
討論 "Foreign Investors and Implied Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from Korean Stock Market," (報告者:Chang Seop Rhee氏 (Sejong University), Hong-min Chun氏 (Chungbuk National University) 日本会計研究学会第77回全国大会 神奈川大学 2018年9月5日
発表 "The Impact of Shifting from a Bank Towards an Equity Financing System on Accounting Practice:The Case of Income Smoothing in Japan over 40 Year," (with Sidney Gray and Yuya Koga), 日本会計研究学会第77回全国大会 神奈川大学 2018年9月5日
発表 "National Institutional Factors and Accounting for Goodwill: The Case of Goodwill Impairment Recognition under IFRS in Europe," (with Sidney Gray), Korean Accounting Association 2018 Annual Summer/International Conference The Ocean Resort, Yeosu, Korea June 2018
司会 Concurrent Session A, The 8th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University January 6, 2018
学会運営 The 8th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University January 6, 2018
発表 "Employee Downsizing and Accounting Choices," 『台湾会計学会』 中国文化大学 2017年11月30日
発表 "An experimental study of the effect of accounting transparency on impairment loss recognition," The 18th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association Bali, Indonesia November 22, 2017
司会 国際院生セッション,日本会計研究学会第76回全国大会 広島大学 2017年9月
発表 「日本企業と利益平準化」The Outer Research in Accounitng Workshop 九州産業大学 2017年3月23日
司会 Concurrent Session D, The 7th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University January 7, 2017
学会運営 The 7th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University January 7, 2017
発表 "National Culture and the Implementaion of IFRS in Europe: Management Recogmition of Post- M&A Valuation Losses," 台湾会計学会 国立雲林科技大学 December 1, 2016
発表 "Earnings Attribute around Downsizing: Evidence from Japanese Domestic Firms," The 17th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association Riverside Majestic Hotel, Malaysia November 22, 2016
司会 Concurrent Session, The 17th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association Riverside Majestic Hotel, Malaysia November 22, 2016
発表 「減損会計と透明性-経営者と監査人における意見対立の開示効果の実験研究-」(三輪一統、田口聡志との共同報告)日本会計研究学会第75回大会 グランシップ(静岡) 2016年9月14日
発表 「人員削減前後の利益属性」(黒木淳との共同報告)日本会計研究学会第75回大会 グランシップ(静岡) 2016年9月12日
発表 "Cultural Influences on Goodwill Impairment Loss Decisions: Evidence from the European Union," (with Sidney J. Gray), American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2016 New York, USA August 10, 2016
発表 "Downsizing, Impairment Recognition Timing, and Non-Executive Employee Ownership: A Japanese Perspective," American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2016 New York, USA August 10, 2016
発表 "Downsizing, Impairment Recognition Timing, and Non-Executive Employee Ownership: A Japanese Perspective," Korean Accounting Association 2016 Annual Summer/International Conference Gangwon-do, Korea June 16, 2016
発表 "Downsizing, Impairment Recognition Timing, and Non-Executive Employee Ownership: A Japanese Perspective," 第3回定量的会計ワークショップ・大阪大学経営研究会 大阪大学 2016年5月7日
司会 Concurrent Session B, The 6th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University December 19, 2015
学会運営 The 6th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW Kobe University December 19, 2015
発表 「減損損失計上時の人員削減と所有構造」日本会計研究学会 神戸大学 2015年9月8日
発表 "The Influences of Culture on Goodwill Impairment Loss Decisions: Evidence from EU firms," (with Sidney J. Gray), 日本会計研究学会(英語セッション) 横浜国立大学 September 6, 2014
発表 「固定資産の減損損失の計上タイミングに関する実証的考察」日本会計研究学会 中部大学 2013年9月6日
発表 "The Influence of Informal Institutions on Impaired Asset Write-offs: Securing Future and Current Pies for Payout in Japan" European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Paris, France May 2013
発表 "Securing Future and Current Pies for Payout and Impaired Asset Write-Offs: Evidence from Japan," American Accounting Association-International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting Savannah Georgia the United States February 23, 2013
発表 "The Determinants of Impaired Long-Lived Asset Write-offs: Evidence from Japan," Asian Academic Accounting Association Kyoto Japan November 10, 2012
発表 「日本企業の滅損損失の決定要因」日本会計研究学会 一橋大学 2012年9月1日
発表 "QUARTERLY EARNINGS MANAGEMENT AROUND THE WORLD: LOSS AVOIDANCE OR EARNINGS DECREASE AVOIDANCE?," (with T. Kagaya, T. Suzuki and Y. Takahashi), Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues Beijing China October 2011



  • アメリカ会計学会(American Accounting Association)
  • ヨーロッパ会計学会(European Accounting Association)
  • 日本会計研究学会
  • 日本インベスター・リレーションズ学会


  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Associate Editor


2023~2025年度 科学研究費補助金:基盤研究(C)「利害関係者と利益の質:ステークホルダー資本主義から株主資本主義へ向かう日本の分析」(研究代表者)
2020~2022年度 科学研究費補助金:若手研究「従業員と会計情報・ディスクロージャー」(研究代表者)
2020年度 財団法人村田学術振興財団研究助成金「日本企業の利益平準化―時系列分析と取引先との関係性の影響―」
2017~2019年度 科学研究費補助金:若手研究(B)「利益平準化に対する従業員および取引先の影響の研究:国際比較および日本企業の分析」(研究代表者)
2016~2018年度 科学研究費補助金:挑戦的萌芽研究「財務会計情報の内部作成・利用過程における保守主義とエンフォースメントの実験研究」(研究分担者)
2015~2016年度 科学研究費補助金:研究活動スタート支援「従業員との契約と利益調整行動の関係性に関する研究」(研究代表者)


  • "The Influences of Culture on Goodwill Impairment Loss Decisions: Evidence from EU firms"(with S. J. Gray), The Hitotsubashi University Center for Japanese, June 2014


  • 2024 AAA IAS Midyear Meeting Outstanding Discussant Award, The International Accounting Section (IAS) of the American Accounting Association, August 2024
  • 2023年度学会奨励賞,「親企業がJクラブの戦略性に与える影響と対応:クラブの自律性と主体性の分析」,日本スポーツマネジメント学会,2023年7月
  • 2022年度大銀協フォーラム研究支援 特別賞,大阪銀行協会,2022年12月
  • 2022 Public Interest Section Best Paper Award (International Section), "Asset Impairment Accounting Decisions and Employee Downsizing in Japan", American Accounting Association International Accounting Section Midyear Meeting, February 2022
  • 2017年度みずほ証券寄附講座研究奨励賞 最優秀賞,京都大学経営管理研究部 みずほ証券寄附講座,2017年11月
  • The Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award (Best Doctoral Student Paper), Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, October 2011