松尾 美和
松尾 美和Miwa MATSUO
役職 | 教授 |
研究部門 | 企業競争力 |
生年月 | 昭和54年9月 |
学歴 |
学位 |
職歴 |
研究分野 | 産業組織 |
研究課題 | 社会的弱者及びマイノリティの交通行動と、経済・教育機会ロスに関する研究 情報技術の発展とビジネス関連の移動需要に関する研究 |
- 日本交通学会
- 都市計画学会
- 応用地域学会
- Regional Science Association International
- Transportation Research Board
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
- International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), Editorial Advisory Board members, 2020-
- The Annals of Regional Science, Associate Editor, 2018-
- 応用地域学会 運営委員 2018年度~2020年度、2022年度~2023年度
- 応用地域学会 論文編集委員 2021年4月~現在
- 運輸政策研究所 外国論文研究会委員 2021年9月~現在
- 共同研究プロジェクト
“Automobility for Escaping from Poverty” with Hiroyuki Iseki (Maryland University, College Park) (2019年4月-2023年3月) - 2021年10月 日本交通学会 2021年度 日本交通学会賞「論文の部」
- Pollman Postdoctoral Fellowship(2008)
- Taubman Rappaport Research Award(2008)
- Howard T. Fisher Prize for Geographic Information Science(2008)
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Dissertation Fellowship(2006-2007)
Title | Date | |
National Infrastructure Policies in Japan - Focusing on Railways | (with Fumitoshi Mizutani), José A. Gómez-Ibáñez and Zhi Liu, eds., Infrastructure Economics and Policy: International Perspectives, Chapter 16, pp.383-412, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy | December 2021 |
Title | Date | |
Above the clouds: Unveiling insights through semi-structured interviews with airline employees from the African, Asian, and North American regions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic era | (with Kistamah, H.), Journal of the Air Transport Research Society, 3, 100047 | December 2024 |
Positive Fuel Price Elasticities of Expressway Traffic Flows: Insights for Policymakers and Management Strategists | (with Ahmed, K. and Kamihigashi, T.), Transport Policy, 142, 99-114 | 2023年10月 |
Gender gap and parenthood penalties in business travel changes from 2001 to 2017: Occupational variations and associations with technology use | (with Gaydarska, H.), Travel Behavior and Society, 34, 100662 | January 2024 |
Do ICT development and internet use decrease intra-regional work-related travel? | (with Gaydarska, H.), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 176, 103786 | October 2023 |
Carpooling and drivers without household vehicles: gender disparity in automobility among Hispanics and non-Hispanics in the U.S. | Transportation, 47 (4), 1631-1663 | August 2020 |
Gender Difference in the Mobility of Hispanic Immigrants. | Transport Policy, 52, 209-230 | November 2016 |
「アメリカ地方バス交通の効率性・有効性と地方交通のマネジメントのあり方-ネットワーク包絡分析法を用いて」 | 『都市計画論文集』50 (3), 738-745 | 2015年10月 |
Trade in Polarized America: the Border Effect between Red States and Blue States. | (with Ishise, H), Economic Inquiry, 53 (3), 1647-1670 | July 2015 |
US–Canada Border Effect between 1993 and 2007: Smaller, Less Asymmetrical, and Declining. | (with Ishise, H), Review of World Economics, 151 (2), 291-308 | May 2015 |
Competition Over High-income Workers: Job Growth and Labor Force Accessibility in Atlanta. | Urban Studies, 51 (8), 1634–1652 | June 2014 |
US Metropolitan Spatial Structure and Labor Accessibility. | Urban Studies, 48 (11), 2283–2302 | 2011 |
Title | Date | |
「電動キックボード・シェアの普及と環境負荷低減効果-欧米の研究結果から-」 | 『運輸政策研究』Vol.26 pp.76-77 | 2024年2月 |
「交通弱者の医療アクセスと,ライドシェアサービス-米国における取組みと,ポスト・コロナの展望-」 | 『運輸政策研究』Vol.25 pp.76-77 | 2023年3月 |
「コロナ過中の子育て世帯の通勤とケア労働に関する暫定的所見」 | 『国民経済雑誌』第226巻3号 pp.49-60 | 2022年9月 |
「職種別ビジネス旅行需要とIT技術代替性: アメリカの過去20年のトリップ行動変遷から」 | 『日交研Aシリーズ』A-838 pp.1-26 | 2022年6月 |
「米国フロリダ州交通局におけるパフォーマンス管理の取組みとその課題 -MAP-21以降のパフォーマンス規定型計画への示唆-」 | 『国民経済雑誌』第221巻5号 pp.21-39 | 2020年5月 |
「米国交通事業選択基準の変容:パフォーマンス規定型計画への取組み」 | 『国民経済雑誌』第217巻4号 pp.95-109 | 2018年4月 |
"Bridging Research and Practice in Operational Performance Measures for Public Transit Systems in the US: Variations in Performance Evaluation Methods and Their Appropriate Use" | 早稲田大学高等研究所紀要8号 | 2016年3月 |
Title | Date | |
"Above the Clouds: Unveiling Insights Through Semi-Structured Interviews with Airline Employees Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic Era" (with Hansha KISTAMAH) | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2024-23, RIEB Kobe University | July 2024 |
"Gender Gap and Parenthood Penalties in Business Travel from 2001 to 2017: Occupational Variations and Associations with Technology Use" (with Hristina GAYDARSKA) | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2023-02, RIEB Kobe University | February 2023 |
"Do ICT Development and Technology Use Decrease the Demand for Business Travel?" (with Hristina GAYDARSKA) | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2021-10, RIEB Kobe University | March 2021 |
"Giving up Job Search Because I Don't Have a Car: Labor Market Participation and Employment Status Among Single Mothers With and Without Cars" (with Hiroyuki ISEKI) | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2020-07, RIEB Kobe University | February 2020 |
"Children Without Soccer Mom or Dad: Impacts of Parents' Auto-Immobility to Children's Travel" | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2019-11, RIEB Kobe University | April 2019 |
"Carpooling and Drivers without Household Vehicles: Gender Disparity in Automobility among Hispanics in the U.S." | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2018-11, RIEB Kobe University | March 2018 |
"Hidden Costs of Carpooling in Family Life: Travel Behavior of Hispanic Families with Children in the US" | Discussion Paper Series, No.DP2017-13, RIEB Kobe University | March 2017 |
"Transitions in Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Local Bus Services in the U.S." | September 2015 | |
"Gender Gap in Mobility for Hispanics in Rural America" | March 2015 | |
"Mobility and Accessibility of Hispanics in Rural America" | July 2014 | |
"Labor Accessibility and Growth Stages of Metropolitan Areas: A Comparison of Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas" | 2012 |
Title | Date | |
「交通政策の学習・研究のために」 | 『経営学の歩き方(2023年度版)』253-257頁 | 2023年3月 |
「近距離ビジネス旅行と情報技術代替性:コロナ禍前の米国の傾向から」 | 『交通政策研究2022』30-31頁 | 2022年11月 |
「<見る 思う>都市は人を健康、幸福にできるか」 | 『神戸新聞』2021年11月21日付朝刊 6頁 | 2021年11月 |
Category | Title | Place | Date |
討論 | "Location advantages and sorting (高野佳佑氏、黒田雄太氏)" 第38回応用地域学会研究発表大会 | 九州産業大学 | December 1, 2024 |
討論 | 「地方議会における男女格差に関する実証分析(黒宮健一氏)」第37回応用地域学会研究発表大会 | 大阪大学豊中キャンパス | December 9, 2023 |
座長 | セッション:多様性 第37回応用地域学会研究発表大会 | 大阪大学豊中キャンパス | December 9, 2023 |
報告 | "Have the Gender Gap and Parenthood Penalty in Business Mobility Narrowed Since 2001? Lessons from Three Previous U.S. National Household Travel Surveys (with Hristina Gaydarska)," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference | Toronto, Ontario | November 3, 2022 |
報告 | "Do ICT development and technology use decrease the domestic business travel," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference | オンライン開催 | October 21, 2021 |
報告 | "Giving up job search because I don't have a car: Labor market participation and employment status among single mothers with and without cars," 第34回応用地域学会研究発表大会 | オンライン開催 | November 28, 2020 |
討論 | "High-Speed Rail Network and College Choice in China (Shiyu Cheng氏)," North American Meetings of Regional Science Association | オンライン開催 | November 12, 2020 |
報告 | "Does the ICT revolution and digital technologies decrease the demand for business travel in the GVC era?," North American Meetings of Regional Science Association | オンライン開催 | November 12, 2020 |
報告 | "Giving up job search because I don’t have a car: Labor market participation and employment status among single mothers with and without cars," Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference | オンライン開催 | November 5, 2020 |
報告 | "Giving up job search because I don't have a car: Labor market participation and employment status among single mothers with and without cars (with Hiroyuki ISEKI)," Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting | Walter E. Washington Convention Center | January 15, 2020 |
報告 | "Giving up job search because I don't have a car: Labor market participation and employment status among single mothers with and without cars (with Hiroyuki ISEKI)," Urban Economics Workshop | 京都大学経済研究所 | December 13, 2019 |
報告 | "Giving up job search because I don't have a car: Labor market participation and employment status among single mothers with and without cars(with Hiroyuki ISEKI)," 第33回応用地域学会(ARSC)研究発表大会 | 佐賀大学本庄キャンパス | November 23, 2019 |
討論 | "Feminization of International Migration from Asian Countries to Developed Countries and the Affect of Remittance on International Female Migration(Tahmina Shahzadi氏)," 第33回応用地域学会(ARSC)研究発表大会 | 佐賀大学本庄キャンパス | November 23, 2019 |
座長 | セッション:Early Bird (地域経済I) 第33回応用地域学会(ARSC)研究発表大会 | 佐賀大学本庄キャンパス | November 23, 2019 |
報告 | "Children without Soccer Mom or Dad: Impacts of parents' auto-immobility to children's travel," the 6th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation | Irvine, California | September 12, 2019 |
報告 | "Carpooling and Drivers Without Household Vehicles: Gender Disparity in Automobility Among Hispanics in the United States," Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting | Walter E. Convention Center | January 15, 2019 |
報告 | "Inter- and Intra-Regional Competition among Retail Industries: Empirical Evidences from Japan," 応用地域学会名古屋大会 | 南山大学 | 2018年12月1日 |
討論 | 「商業統計を用いた大規模小売店舗の出店が既存店舗の撤退・売上げに与える影響に関する検証(宮川翼氏)」応用地域学会名古屋大会 | 南山大学 | 2018年12月1日 |
座長 | セッション:租税 応用地域学会名古屋大会 | 南山大学 | 2018年12月1日 |
報告 | "Efficiency, effectiveness, and management characteristics of rural bus services in the US: A semiparametric approach," the 65th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International | Hyatt Regency Riverwalk Hotel, San Antonio | November 8, 2018 |
討論 | "Rural and Agricultural Development by Land Consolidation: A Spatial Production Analysis of Auturia's parishes (Alvarez, Inmaculada) ," the 65th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International | Hyatt Regency Riverwalk Hotel, San Antonio | November 8, 2018 |
報告 | "Wasting Time in Vehicles?: Carpooling in the Hispanic Immigrant Families in the U.S.," 応用地域学会 | 東京大学 | 2017年11月25日 |
討論 | "Identifying Key Factors Influencing Electric Vehicle Acquisition by Canadian Fleet Operators (Khan, Shakil)," the 64th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International | Vancouver, BC | November 11, 2017 |
報告 | "Wasting Time in Carpooling?: Travel Behavior of Hispanic Immigrant Families in the U.S.," the 64th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International | Vancouver, BC | November 11, 2017 |
報告 | "Hidden Costs of Carpooling in the Family Life of Hispanic Immigrants," the 57th Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference | Denver, CO | October 14, 2017 |
パネル討議 | 「DIVERSITYの視点から見直そう:土木計画学における研究と教育」土木学会全国大会第72回年次学術講演会 | 九州大学伊都キャンパス | 2017年9月11日 |
発表 | "Travel Behavior of Hispanic Immigrant Families in the US," 応用地域学会 | 神戸大学 | 2016年11月27日 |
討論 | 「日本の貧困と都市へのアクセシビリティに関する実証研究(菅沢武尊氏)」応用地域学会 | 神戸大学 | 2016年11月27日 |
報告 | "Labor Pooling, Labor Availability, and Growth Stages of Metropolitan Areas: A Comparison of Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas," 応用地域学会29回研究発表大会 | 慶應義塾大学 | November 28, 2015 |
報告 | 「アメリカ地方バス交通の効率性・有効性と地方交通のマネジメントの在り方‐ネットワーク包絡分析法を用いて」日本都市計画学会 | フェニックス・シーガイア・リゾート | November 8, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency, Effectiveness and Management Characteristics of Rural Bus Services in the US," The Fifth Asian Seminar in Regional Science | Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China | July 19, 2015 |
座長 | "Session 6B/7B, Transportation and Housing (4/5)," The Fifth Asian Seminar in Regional Science | Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China | July 19, 2015 |
ディスカッサント | "Spatial Impact of Road and Railroad Accessibility on Firm Productivity," The Fifth Asian Seminar in Regional Science | Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China | July 19, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US" The Urban Economics Workshop | the University of Tokyo | July 3, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US," 交通計画・交通行動分析の連続国際セミナー | 東京大学 | 2015年6月19日 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US," The Urban Economics Workshop | the University of Kyoto | February 20, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US," 応用地域学会 | 沖縄産業支援センター | 2014年11月30日 |
報告 | "Mobility of Hispanics in Small Town and Rural Area" | The Transportation Lecture Series | July 31, 2013 |
報告 | "Cost Benefit Analysis for Complete Street Projects: Choosing Efficient and Effective Alternatives" | Complete Street Seminar | April 24, 2013 |
報告 | "Mobility of Hispanics in Small Town and Rural Areas: Analysis of National Household Travel Survey 2009" | AAG Annual Meeting | April 11, 2013 |
報告 | "Dissolving the U.S.- Canada Border Effect: Smaller than Previously Thought and Shrinking" | ACSP Annual Meeting | November 2012 |
報告 | "Labor Accessibility and Growth Stages of Metropolitan Areas: A Comparison of Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas" | TRB Annual Meeting | January 2012 |
報告 | "High-income Workers Determine Economic Geography: Job Growth and Labor Accessibility by Income Category in Atlanta" | ACSP Annual Meeting | October 2011 |
報告 | "High Income Workers Define Economic Geography" | AAG Annual Meeting | April 2011 |
報告 | "Identifying Employment Centers and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem" | ACSP Annual Meeting | October 2009 |
報告 | "Does Sprawl Affect Agglomeration Economies?" | ACSP / AESOP Joint Annual Meeting | July 2008 |
報告 | "Reorganization of Public Transportation for Smart Decline: Tokyo Suburbia in 2050" | the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Meeting | August 2005 |
報告 | "Seismic Coefficient Method at the Beginning of Seismology" | the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Meeting | August 2002 |
Category | Title | Place | Date |
基調講演 | "Mobility for Empowerment, Accessibility for Social Justice: Transportation for Socially Disadvantaged Population in Japan and the U.S.," The 1st Sino-Japanese SPACE Workshop | 大阪大学 | December 8, 2024 |
報告 | 「ポストコロナの米国旅客鉄道事情」第5回 都市交通の需要構造と運賃・料金制度研究委員会 | 中央電気倶楽部 | 2024年6月21日 |
招待講演 | 「本音で語る研究者としてキャリアを積み上げていくには」令和5年度第2回ロールモデル交流会-本音で語る研究者としてキャリアを積み上げていくには- | 神戸大学/オンライン開催 | 2024年1月16日 |
報告 | "Business-related Travel Trends and the Spread of Digital Communications: Lessons from Pre-COVID U.S. Data," 日本交通学会関西部会 | 中央電気倶楽部 | 2024年1月5日 |
報告 | "Does ICT development and internet use decrease intra-regional work-related travel?" 関西労働研究会定例会 | オンライン開催 | 2022年6月24日 |
報告 | 「職種別ビジネス旅行需要とIT技術代替性: アメリカの過去20年のトリップ行動変遷から」日本交通政策研究会 令和3年度研究プロジェクト報告会 | オンライン開催 | 2022年5月14日 |
報告 | "Welfare, Auto Ownership, and Employment: Driving away from Poverty," 一橋大学 経済制度研究センターセミナー (主催)/経済発展研究会 (共催) | オンライン開催 | May 14, 2021 | 報告 | "Welfare, Auto Ownership, and Employment: Driving away from Poverty," 東京大学 都市経済ワークショップ | オンライン開催 | April 23, 2021 |
報告 | "Giving up job search because I don't have a car: Labor market participation and employment status among single mothers with and without cars," 京都大学都市経済ワークショップ | 京都大学 | December 13, 2019 |
報告 | "Drivers without household vehicles: Gender disparity in automobility among Hispanics and non Hispanics in the U.S," K-CONNEX | 神戸大学 | March 1, 2019 |
報告 | "Performance management in the U.S. transportation policy," 交通マネジメントワークショップ | 神戸大学 | 2018年7月21日 |
報告 | "Automobility Disparity and Gender Gaps of Hispanic Households in the U.S.," 東北大学現代経済学研究会 | 東北大学 | 2018年3月29日 |
報告 | 「意思を持って流される:日米の多様なロールモデルに触れて」神戸大学経済経営研究所公開シンポジウム「女性のキャリア形成と選択~中村麻里子さんを迎えて~」 | 神戸大学 | 2017年11月3日 |
報告 | "Hidden Costs of Carpooling in Family Life: Travel Behavior of Hispanic Families with Children in the US," The 5th Hanyang-Kobe-Nanyang Conference in Economics | Kobe University | June 9, 2017 |
報告 | 「アメリカのヒスパニック移民家庭の交通行動について」香川大学地域科学セミナー | 香川大学 | 2017年3月3日 |
報告 | "Gender Difference in the Mobility of Hispanic Immigrants," Asian Seminar in Regional Science | 東北大学 | 2016年9月24日 |
報告 | "Gender Differences in Mobility of Hispanic Immigrants," 東北大学地域科学ワークショップ | 東北大学 | November 20, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Management Characteristics of Rural Local Bus Services in the U.S.: Decomposing Sources of Efficiency Using Network Data Envelopment Analysis," RIEBセミナー | 神戸大学 | September 7, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US" | the Urban Economics Workshop, the University of Tokyo | July 3, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US" | 交通計画・交通行動分析の連続国際セミナー, 東京大学 | June 19, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US" | the Urban Economics Workshop, the University of Kyoto | February 20, 2015 |
報告 | "Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Services in the US," 応用地域学会 | 沖縄産業支援センター | 2014年11月30日 |
報告 | "Mobility of Hispanics in Small Town and Rural Area," the Transportation Lecture Series | the University of Tokyo | July 2013 |
報告 | "Mobility of Hispanics in Small Town and Rural Areas: Analysis of National Household Travel Survey 2009," AAG Annual Meeting 2013 | La Brea, Westin | April 11, 2013 |
報告 | "Cost Benefit Analysis for Complete Street Projects: Choosing Efficient and Effective Alternatives," Complete Street Seminar | the University of Iowa | April 2013 |
報告 | "Competition over High-income Workers: Job Growth and Labor Force Accessibility in Atlanta," the Management Science Series | the University of Iowa | November 2012 |
報告 | "The US-Canada Border Effect – Smaller than Previously Thought and Becoming Even Smaller," (with Ishise, H), the Urban Economics Workshop | the University of Tokyo | July 13, 2012 |
報告 | "Competition over High Income Workers: Job Growth and Labor Force Accessibility in Atlanta," the Transportation Lecture Series | the University of Tokyo | July 2012 |
報告 | "Labor Accessibility and Growth Stages of Metropolitan Areas: A Comparison of Four U.S. Metropolitan Areas," TRB Annual Meeting 2012 | Washington, D.C. | January 2012 |
報告 | "High-income Workers Determine Economic Geography: Job Growth and Labor Accessibility by Income Category in Atlanta," ACSP Annual Meeting 2011 | Salt Lake City | October 16, 2011 |
報告 | "High Income Workers Define Economic Geography," the Urban Economics Workshop | the University of Tokyo | June 24, 2011 |
報告 | "High Income Workers Define Economic Geography," AAG Annual Meeting 2011 | Sheraton Hotel, Union Tower | April 12,2011 |
報告 | "Metropolitan Spatial Structure and Labor Accessibility," the Urban Economics Workshop | the University of Tokyo | June 2010 |
報告 | "Metropolitan spatial Structure and Labor Accessibility," Kohn Colloquium | the University of Iowa | November 2009 |
報告 | "Identifying Employment Centers and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem," ACSP Annual Meeting 2009 | Hyatt Regency, Crystal City | October 3, 2009 |
報告 | "Does Sprawl Affect Agglomeration Economies?," ACSP - AESOP Fourth Joint Congress | Chicago | July 8, 2008 |
報告 | "Reorganization of Public Transportation for Smart Decline: Tokyo Suburbia in 2050," the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Meeting | 近畿大学 | 2005年8月 |
報告 | "Seismic Coefficient Method at the Beginning of Seismology," the Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Meeting | 金沢工業大学 | 2002年8月 |
2021〜2022年度 | 公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団研究助成金「ロサンゼルス都市圏における勤労貧困世帯がコロナ禍で負った経済的損失:移動制約とケア労働に着目して」(研究代表者) |
2020〜2023年度 | 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究C「自動車保有による子あり世帯の時間制約の緩和と、子への人的資本投資に関する実証研究」(研究代表者) |
2015〜2019年度 | 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究B(PI)「日米地方バス事業の効率性・有効性と、それに対する土地利用形態の影響」(研究代表者) |
2013~2014年度 | Gender difference in travel behavior of rural Hispanics. University of Iowa, Old Gold Summer Fellowship.(PI) |
2012~2013年度 | Mobility and Accessibility of Hispanics in Small Town and Rural Area. Mid- America Transportation Center.(PI) |
2010~2012年度 | Freight Bottlenecks and the Border Puzzle. Mid-America Transportation Center.(PI. Co-PI with Ishise, H.) |
年度 | 講義・演習 | 大学院・学部 |
2023年度 | Public Administration and Project Evaluation 大学院演習(交通政策) |
神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |
2021年度 | Public Administration and Project Evaluation 大学院演習(交通政策) |
神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |
2020年度 | Public Administration and Project Evaluation 大学院演習(交通政策) |
神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |
2019年度 | Public Administration and Project Evaluation | 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |
2018年度 | Public Administration and Project Evaluation | 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |
2017年度 | Public Administration and Project Evaluation | 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |
2016年度 | 企業政府関係特殊研究(公益事業評価) | 神戸大学大学院経営学研究科・経営学部 |