News Archive (2014)
- March 30, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-15 "Deterministic Dynamic Programming in Discrete Time: A Monotone Convergence Principle"
Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / Masayuki YAO - March 28, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-14 "Identifying High Growth Firms in India: An Alternative Approach" Aradhna AGGARWAL / Takahiro SATO - March 24, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-13 "The Growing Indian Middle Class: Attracting Indian Tourists to Japan" Srabani Roy CHOUDHURY - March 21, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-27 (Revised) "Workfare as "Collateral": The case of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in India" Subhasish DEY / Katsushi S. IMAI - March 19, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-12 "A Reexamination of Changes in Accounting Policy: Evidence from Japan" Masahiro ENOMOTO - March 18, 2015
- Prof. Takahiro SATO's comment appeared in The Daily NNA India (March 4, 2015)
- March 18, 2015
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (February 24 & 26, 2015)
- March 18, 2015
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI's presentation was featured in the Hoken Mainichi Shimbun (February 13, 2015)
- March 17, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-11 "Fast Bellman Iteration: An Application of Legendre-Fenchel Duality to In nite-Horizon Dynamic Programming in Discrete Time" Ronaldo CARPIO / Takashi KAMIHIGASHI - March 16, 2015
- An article written by Prof. Takahiro SATO appeared in Economist (Enlarged Special Issue, March 24, 2015, pp.48-49)
- March 12, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-10 "Capital Controls, Monetary Policy, and Balance Sheets in a Small Open Economy"
Shigeto KITANO / Kenya TAKAKU - March 12, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2011-25 (Revised) "Predetermined Exchange Rate, Monetary Targeting, and Inflation Targeting Regimes"
Shigeto KITANO - March 9, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2013-07 (Revised) "Crises, Economic Integration and Growth Collapses in African Countries"
Abdilahi ALI / Katsushi S. IMAI - March 3, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-09 "Property Rights Protection in 18th century Japan Revisited; the Case of Rice Backed Security Exchange Market" Yasuo TAKATSUKI
- February 27, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-14 (Revised) "Buffer Stock Savings by Portfolio Adjustment: Evidence from Rural India"
Katsushi S. IMAI / Bilal MALAEB - February 26, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-08 "Cross-Country Evidence on Determinants of Fiscal Policy Effectiveness –The Role of Capital Flows and a Country's International Trade and Financial Position" Agata WIERZBOWSKA / Masahiko SHIBAMOTO - February 13, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-07 "Rural and Urban Poverty Estimates for Developing Countries: Methodologies" Katsushi S. IMAI / Bilal MALEB - February 13, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-06 "Do Agricultural Extension Programmes Reduce Poverty and Vulnerability? Farm Size, Agricultural Productivity and Poverty in Uganda" Katsushi S. IMAI / Md. Faruq HASAN / Eleonora PORRECA - February 13, 2015
- Prof. Kazuo NISHIMURA appeared in a TV show on Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (February 7, 2015)
- February 13, 2015
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (January 7, 28 & 29, 2015)
- February 13, 2015
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI's comment and interview appeared in the following medias
- Comment: CHUNICHI (January 15, 2015)
- Interview: Hoken Mainichi (January 23, 2015)
- February 3, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-05 "Board of Directors and Cost Efficiency: Do Stock and Cooperative Organizations Differ?"
Kozo HARIMAYA / Kei TOMIMURA / Nobuyoshi YAMORI - February 1, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-04 "Efficiencies of Small Financial Cooperatives in Japan: Comparison of Estimation Methods"
- January 27, 2015
- Visiting Professor, Tomohiko SATO (Statistic Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)'s interview appeared in the Weekly Diamond (2015 January 31 Issue, p.7)
- January 21, 2015
- The Japanese Accounting Review Vol.4 is available online
- January 19, 2015
- Prof. Takahiro SATO's comment appeared in The Daily NNA India (January 16, 2015)
- January 19, 2015
- Prof. Kazuo NISHIMURA's interview appeared in the following medias
- President Family (2014 Winter Issue)
- Sankei (January 19, 2015)
- January 15, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-03 "A Simple No-Bubble Theorem" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI - January 13, 2015
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (December 9, 2014)
- January 13, 2015
- An article regarding Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI's presentation appeared in FP Journal (December, 2014)
- January 12, 2015
- Prof. Takahiro SATO's presentation at the Japan Foundation (India) was featured in an article in NNA.ASIA
- January 7, 2015
- An article regarding Prof. Satoshi FUJIMURA's presentation appeared in THE SEN-I-NEWS (December 17, 2014)
- January 6, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-02 "Say It with a Pet Bottle: Discredited Diesel Vehicles in Japan"
Takahiro ENDO / Yoritoshi HARA / Yuki TSUBOYAMA - January 5, 2015
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2015-01 "Does Non-Farm Sector Employment Reduce Rural Poverty and Vulnerability? Evidence from Vietnam and India" Katsushi S. IMAI / Raghav GAIHA / Ganesh THAPA
- December 29, 2014
- Prof. Takahiro SATO's visit to the NTPC Simhadri Super Thermal Power Station with a team from JICA was featured in THE HINDU
- December 25, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-40 "Do Conditional Cash Transfers Reduce Household Vulnerability in Rural Mexico?" Naoko UCHIYAMA - December 21, 2014
- The 5th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW was held on December 21, 2014 (In Japanese)
- December 12, 2014
- We concluded an agreement on academic and cultural exchange with the Economics School of Jilin University, China (November 21, 2014)
- December 9, 2014
- Prof. Nobuaki HAMAGUCHI presented at the APEC Informal Senior Officials' Meeting (ISOM) held in Manila, The Philippines (December 8, 2014).
- December 8, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI's comment appeared in the Chunichi on November 15, 2014
- December 8, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (November 5 & 18, 2014)
- December 2, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-28 (Revised) "Decoding the Growth-Nutrition Nexus in China: Inequality, Uncertainty and Food Insecurity"
Jing YOU / Katsushi S. IMAI / Raghav GAIHA - December 1, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-39 "Monetary Policy, Incomplete Asset Markets, and Welfare in a Small Open Economy"
Shigeto KITANO / Kenya TAKAKU
- November 26, 2014
- "Cool heads and warm hearts needed for regional peace and prosperity" written by Prof. Laixun ZHAO appeared in the South China Morning Post on November 20, 2014
- November 21, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-38 "Seeking Ergodicity in Dynamic Economies" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / John STACHURSKI - November 21, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-37 "Perfect Simulation for Models of Industry Dynamics" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / John STACHURSKI - November 18, 2014
- The 5th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW will be held in campus on December 21, 2014
- November 11, 2014
- Reports on Research Activities and Evaluation 2013 is available online
- November 10, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-36 "An Axiomatic Approach to Measuring Degree of Stochastic Dominance"
Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / John STACHURSKI - November 6, 2014
- Articles featuring Prof. Takahiro SATO's research appeared in The Daily NNA (India) (October 20 & 21, 2014)
- November 4, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (October 9 & 28, 2014)
- October 17, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-35 "Stability Analysis for Random Dynamical Systems in Economics" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / John STACHURSKI - October 14, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-34 "The Role of Corporate Environmental Disclosures: An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of a Firm's Environmental Initiatives on Its Economic Performance" Kimitaka NISHITANI / Katsuhiko KOKUBU - October 14, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-14 (Revised) "Buffer Stock Savings by Portfolio Adjustment: Evidence from Rural India"
Katsushi S. IMAI / Bilal MALAEB - October 2, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (September 10, 2014)
- October 1, 2014
- Yoshinori YAMAKURA (Program Manager, ImPACT, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan / Senior Manager, Info- Future Research Center, NTT DATA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTING,Inc, JAPAN) assumed his post as Research Fellow at RIEB
- October 1, 2014
- Yiannis VAILAKIS (Professor, Adam Smith Business School University of Glasgow, UK) assumed his post as Research Fellow at RIEB
- October 1, 2014
- Hisanaga AMIKURA (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Sophia University, JAPAN) assumed his post as Research Fellow at RIEB
- September 30, 2014
- Prof. Kazuo NISHIMURA's comment appeared in Kyoto Shimbun on September 26, 2014
- September 16, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2011-18 (Revised) "Stable Shareholdings, the Decision Horizon Problem, and Earnings Smoothing"
Akinobu SHUTO / Takuya IWASAKI - September 2, 2014
- An article written by Prof. Kazuo NISHIMURA appeared in Sankei on September 2, 2014
- September 2, 2014
- An article about Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI's interview appeared in the Journal of Financial Planning (August 2014, pp.6-7)
- September 2, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (August 7 & 19, 2014)
- August 25, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-33 "Dynamic and Long-term Linkages among Growth, Inequality and Poverty in Developing Countries"
Katsushi S. IMAI / Raghav GAIHA - August 4, 2014
- An article about RIEB appeared on the JSPS San Francisco Newsletter (No.34, July, 2014)
- August 1, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-32 "Agricultural Employment, Wages and Poverty in Developing Countries"
Katsushi S. IMAI / Raghav GAIHA / Constanza Di NUCCI
- July 31, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2013-34 (Revised) "A Cross-country Study on the Relationship between Financial Development and Earnings Management" Masahiro ENOMOTO / Fumihiko KIMURA / Tomoyasu YAMAGUCHI - July 31, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-31 "Multiple Interior Steady States in the Ramsey Model with Elastic Labor Supply" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI - July 31, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-30 "Product Innovation in Response to Environmental Standards and Competitive Advantage: A Hedonic Analysis of Refrigerators in the Japanese Retail Market" Kimitaka NISHITANI / Munehiko ITOH - July 30, 2014
- An article about Prof. Takashi KAMIHIGASHI, Prof. Yasuo TAKATSUKI, and Prof. Masahiko SHIBAMOTO's research appeared in the Nikkei (July 30, 2014)
- July 28, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in Close-up Gendai (NHK, July 28, 2014)
- July 27, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-29 "The Announcement Effects of Regional Tourism Industrial Policy: The Case of the Hainan International Tourism Island Policy in China" Jianjun SUN / Su ZHANG / Nobuyoshi YAMORI - July 10, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2013-32 (Revised) "The Effect of Institutional Factors on Discontinuities in Earnings Distribution: Public Versus Private Firms in Japan" Akinobu SHUTO / Takuya IWASAKI - July 9, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (June 11&19, 2014)
- July 8, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-24 (Revised) "An Application of Kleene's Fixed Point Theorem to Dynamic Programming: A Note"
Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / Kevin REFFETT / Masayuki YAO - July 1, 2014
- Prof. Takahiro SATO's interview was mentioned in the NIKKEI ASIAN REVIEW "India's emerging sense of national greatness" (May 21, 2014)
- June 30, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-28 "Decoding the Growth-Nutrition Nexus in China: Inequality, Uncertainty and Food Insecurity"
Jing YOU / Katsushi S. IMAI / Raghav GAIHA - June 27, 2014
- Prof. Takashi KAMIHIGASHI made a keynote speech at The Seventh Vietnam Economist Annual Meeting (June 24, 2014)
- June 23, 2014
- An article written by Prof. Takahiro SATO appeared in Economist (with Atsuko KAMIIKE, Enlarged Special Issue, June 24, 2014, pp.78-79)
- June 17, 2014
- Prof. Hiroyuki HINO presided at the Japan-Africa Business Forum 2014 held in Tokyo (June 10-11, 2014)
* Further details are avaiable on Nikkei BP - June 14, 2014
- Call for Submissions for The 5th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW (December 21, 2014)
* Deadline for Submission: 11:59 pm JST on August 9, 2014
* For further details, please check our conference web site - June 9, 2014
- An article written by Prof. Nobuaki HAMAGUCHI appeared in the Nikkei (June 8, 2014, p.21)
- June 8, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-27 "Workfare as "Collateral": The case of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) in India"
Subhasish DEY / Katsushi S. IMAI - June 5, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (May 20, 2014)
- June 1, 2014
- Takahiro ENDO was appointed as Associate Professor of Corporate Competitiveness Unit at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration
- May 28, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2012-10 (Revised) "Nutrition, Activity Intensity and Wage Linkages: Evidence from India"
Katsushi S. IMAI / Samuel Kobina ANNIM / Veena S. KULKARNI / Raghav GAIHA - May 28, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-26 "Japanese SMEs and the Credit Guarantee System after the Global Financial Crisis"
Nobuyoshi YAMORI - May 26, 2014
- An article written by Prof. Takahiro SATO appeared in Economist (Enlarged Special Issue, June 3, 2014, pp.84-85)
- May 23, 2014
- An article about Prof. Kazuo NISHIMURA's interview appeared in the Kyoto Shimbun News (May 17, 2014)
- May 20, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-25 "A Comparison between Optimal Capital Controls under Fixed Exchange Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy under Flexible Rates" Shigeto KITANO / Kenya TAKAKU - May 20, 2014
- Prof. Takahiro SATO's comment appeared in the Nikkei on May 17, 2014
- May 19, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-24 "An Application of Kleene's Fixed Point Theorem to Dynamic Programming: A Note"
Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / Kevin REFFETT / Masayuki YAO - May 19, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-23 "Partial Stochastic Dominance" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / John STACHURSKI - May 19, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-22 "Seeking Ergodicity in Dynamic Economies" Takashi KAMIHIGASHI / John STACHURSKI - May 19, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2011-18 (Revised) "Stable Shareholdings, the Decision Horizon Problem, and Patterns of Earnings Management" Akinobu SHUTO / Takuya IWASAKI - May 13, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-21 "Welfare Benefits of Capital Controls:The Case of Spain"
Shigeto KITANO / Yoichi MATSUBAYASHI - May 13, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-20 "An Experimental Examination of Compensation Schemes and Level of Effort in Differentiated Tasks"
Hiromasa TAKAHASHI/ Junyi SHEN / Kazuhito OGAWA - May 13, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (April 8, 2014)
- April 23, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-19 "Women's Empowerment and Prevalence of Stunted and Underweight Children in Rural India"
Katsushi S. IMAI / Samuel Kobina ANNIM / Veena S. KULKARNI / Raghav GAIHA - April 15, 2014
- Prof. Satoshi FUJIMURA contributed to the production of a show Oiesan (May 9, 2014, Yomiuri TV)
- April 15, 2014
- Prof. Nobuyoshi YAMORI appeared in a show on CBC Radio (April 1, 2014)
- April 15, 2014
- Prof. Kazuo NISHIMURA appeared in a show on ABC Radio (March 16, 2014)
- April 11, 2014
- Discussion Paper Series (English)
No.DP2014-18 "Cultural Openness, Interpersonal Justice, and Job Satisfaction among Millennials and Seniors: Evidence from Japanese Target Employees following M&A"
Ralf BEBENROTH / Maimunah ISMAIL - April 1, 2014
- Osamu UDA (Associate Professor, College of Commerce, Nihon University, JAPAN) assumed his post as Research Fellow at RIEB
- April 1, 2014
- Akihiko YAMADA (Chief Survey Officer, Center of the History of Japanese Industrial Technology, JAPAN) assumed his post as Research Fellow at RIEB
- April 1, 2014
- Hiroshi GOTO was appointed as Assistant Professor of Global Economy Unit at RIEB
- April 1, 2014
- Nobuyoshi YAMORI was appointed as Professor of Global Finance Unit at RIEB