兼松セミナー Kanematsu Seminar

日時 2013年7月11日(木)午後3時30分から
会場 神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(新館2階)
対象 教員、院生、および同等の知識をお持ちの方
使用言語 日本語
備考 論文のコピーは共同研究推進室にご用意しております。


報告者 稲田 光朗
所属 京都大学農学研究科 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD
論題 The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Industrial Growth: Evidence from a Regulation Change in China
要旨 Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in China has been accompanied by rapid economic growth. A growing literature has emerged in recent years examining the role of FDI on Chinese economic growth. However, measuring the effects of FDI has been challenging, because other factors which influence firms' productivity occur in parallel with FDI, and because economic growth also simultaneously attracts FDI. To address these endogeneities, this paper analyzes the effects of a change in the FDI regulations on the productivity growth of Chinese industries using Chinese industry-level panel data. Our difference-in-differences estimates show that these industries experienced significantly larger increase in foreign firms' sales. We also find that this increase in FDI resulted in an increase in labor productivity and in total factor productivity of the affected industries and local industries, but we do not find that they experienced significantly larger inflows of FDI or productivity growth before 2002, which provides evidence against endogeneity concerns.