神戸大学金融研究会(RIEBセミナー共催) Monetary Economics Seminar of Kobe University (Jointly supported by RIEB Seminar)

2014年7月5日(土)午後3時30分から (Saturday, July 5, 2014, 3:30pm-)
神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(研究所新館2階)
Meeting Room at RIEB (Annex, 2nd Floor)
(Intended Audience)
The seminar is primarily for the workshop members. But non-members are also welcome to attend.
Copies of the paper will be available at the Office of Promoting Research Collaboration.

There will be a reception held after the seminar. If you would like to attend this seminar, please email us at Office of Promoting Research Collaboration your name, affiliation, email address and whether you will attend the reception or not, by a week before the workshop. Details will be notified later.


津田 尊弘 氏(Takahiro TSUDA)
財務省(Ministry of Finance Japan)
Tracking Global Demand for Emerging Market Sovereign Debt
    This paper proposes an approach to track US$1 trillion of emerging market government debt held by foreign investors in local and hard currency, based on a similar approach that was used for advanced economies (Arslanalp and Tsuda, 2012). The estimates are constructed on a quarterly basis from 2004 to mid-2013 and are available along with the paper in an online dataset. We estimate that about half a trillion dollars of foreign flows went into emerging market government debt during 2010-12, mostly coming from foreign asset managers. Foreign central bank holdings have risen as well, but remain concentrated in a few countries: Brazil, China, Indonesia, Poland, Malaysia, Mexico, and South Africa. We also find that foreign investor flows to emerging markets were less differentiated during 2010-12 against the background of near-zero interest rates in advanced economies. The paper extends some of the indicators proposed in our earlier paper to show how the investor base data can be used to assess countries' sensitivity to external funding shocks and to track foreign investors' exposures to different markets within a global benchmark portfolio.