
How Do Accounting and Legal Experts View the Role of Regional Financial Institutions in Supporting SMEs?
 -Based on a 2016 Questionnaire Study of Accounting and Legal Experts-


In February 2016 we administered a questionnaire to 700 tax accountants, certified accountants and lawyers, and conducted a study of the actual state of regional revitalization efforts by experts and the issues they faced. In this paper, we use some of the results of this study to analyze the actual state of collaborations between regional financial institutions and accounting/legal experts, and the issues they face, with respect to providing support to regional SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). Efforts by regional financial institutions are not always fully visible to experts, and collaboration between experts and regional financial institutions is still developing. In the future, deepened mutual understanding through greater regular contact between them will be important for increasing support capabilities for regional SMEs.


SME support, Region-based relationship banking, Regional finance, Experts, Questionnaire


Nobuyoshi YAMORI
Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration
Kobe University
E-mail: yamori@rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp

Faculty of Economics, Kumamoto Gakuen University