
Modern Retailers in Transition Economies: The Case of Vietnam


This paper reports the findings of a study on modern domestic retailers in Vietnam. We based this study on (1) a survey of 56 firms that control almost all the modern retail format stores in Vietnam, (2) in-depth interviews with CEOs and government officials, and (3) store visits and observations which were carried out by the authors. We discuss the operation and retail renovations of local modern retailers, the structure and the background of competitors, the problems retailers face, and their prospects for future development. Our findings provide a comprehensive picture of modern retailers in Vietnam and have significant implications for policy makers, as well as for local and foreign retailers.


Modern retailers, Supermarket, Retail modernization, Transition economy, Vietnam

JEL Classification

D12, L81, M31


Masayoshi MARUYAMA
Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University

LE Viet Trung
Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration
Kobe University
Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe
657-8501 Japan
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