What's New (2013.06.14)

The 1st Hanyang-Kobe-Nanyang Conference in Economics held in Seoul


Graduate School of Economics (ECON) and RIEB have enjoyed fruitful partnership to hold annual joint-workshop with College of Economics and Finance and Economic Research Institute of Hanyang University of Korea. This year Department of Economics of Nanyang Technological University of Singapore joined this partnership. On June 14, we celebrated the launch of Hanyang-Kobe-Nanyang Conference in Economics at Hanyang University. Three faculty members of each ECON and RIEB participated the event with the support of Kobe University Rokkodai Foundation, including Associate Professor Kazufumi Yugami of ECON and Associate Professor Masahiko Shibamoto of RIEB who made research presentations.

Prior to the conference, the heads of departments of ECON and RIEB and Department of Economics of Nanyang Technological University signed a memorandum of intent on academic exchange.

Please visit the website below for details:
http://www.rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp/project/Hanyang/index-j.html (in Japanese)