
日時 2018年8月21日(火)16:00 ~ 17:30
会場 神戸大学経済経営研究所 会議室(新館2階)
対象 教員、院生、学部生、および同等の知識をお持ちの方
使用言語 英語

16:00 ~ 17:30

報告者 Stephen SUN
所属 一橋大学社会科学高等研究院
論題 Seeds of American Industrialization: A New View From Economic Geography
概要 This article examines the degree to which a large preexisting demand encourages the growth of connected industries using the case of the 19th century United States' agricultural implements industry. The agricultural implements industry is distinguished by having linkages with both the agricultural and manufacturing sectors and by the fact that its output is mostly sold outside of cities, which creates product- level spatial variation in demand not seen in other manufactures. I study the impact of proximity to demand and of spillovers and find a strongly significant effect for both, with proximity to demand being roughly 1.5 times as important. These results provide evi- dence of a role for agriculture as a foundation for manufacturing growth and further implies the existence of positive spillovers which could drive further industrialization. I also find evidence for a role for human capital.