RIEB Seminar

Date&Time Friday, September 23, 2016, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Place RIEB Meeting Room (Annex, 2nd Floor)
Intended Audience Faculties, Graduate Students and People with Equivalent Knowledge
Language English
Note Copies of the paper will be available at Office of Promoting Research Collaboration.


Speaker Etienne FARVAQUE
Affiliation Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Lille 1 University
Topic There Is No (Depression) Childhood's End, for Central Bankers too
Abstract In this study, we examine how much an early – i.e., childhood - experience of recession influences the behavior of central bankers. To exhibit if such an effect exists, we analyze the determinants of the interest rate setting by central banks in a discrete-choice modeling framework, augmented by the influence of the chairperson characteristics. In a panel multinomial logit model for nine major central banks analyzed over the period 1999-2012, we verify that growing-up in a recession matters. Central bankers early personal experiences of economic fluctuations thus shape the policy reactions of their institutions, and the impacts have policy-relevant magnitudes.