RIEBセミナー RIEB Seminar

2010年11月15日(月)午後2時00分から (Monday, November 15, 2010, 2:00pm~)
ラングマン モーメンタム・コンサルティング
(Langmann Momentum Consulting)
Knowledge Capital Assesment
In the knowledge-driven economy, the amount and value of intellectual property (IP) exhibits the steadily increasing importance of intangible assets of an organisation. The firm Ocean Tomo estimates for all S&P 500 companies in the U.S. an increasing share of intangible assets from 38% in 1982, 62% in 1992 to 87% in 2002. This development renders the classical reliance on conventional financial reports and balance sheets insufficient if it comes to prospects and potentials of a company in the future. The core capability of driving innovations from R&D into markets relies largely on the intangible assets of innovative enterprises. Here comes the Intellectual Capital Assessment (ICA) into play. ICA provides the procedure and structure for the evaluation and statement of competencies in the company, which are decisive for its innovation capacity as important success factor in knowledge-driven competitive economic environments. In the lecture, the ICA methodology of approaches pursued in Germany and the EU will be presented. After a short history, reasoning and motivation for ICA, the definition of Intellectual Capital will be provided including its role within the general business process model of a company. In the main part of the lecture, the 5 major stages of the drafting process for ICA will be introduced and illustrated by examples, which at the same time reveal the worthiness of the ICA process itself: The analytical vista on intangible assets of the company inspires a learning process, which puts IC factors into relation to business strategy, model and objectives and thus identifies dormant potential for the further development of the company. The lecture concludes with a summary, where the ICA process is being reviewed from the perspective of project planning and required ressources.
カリガーコンサルティング/ 関西学院大学専門職大学院経営戦略研究科
(Carigar Consulting / Institute of Business and Accounting, Professional Graduate School, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Information Systems build for Regulatory Compliance – Key to the Success of Canada's Banks
The primary objective of this paper is to provide objective evidence that relates an organization's success and business stability to the quality of information management systems the organization has developed. In this context, the case of major investment in information management systems that were required for regulatory compliance by global banks is discussed. Further inference is drawn that the banks who invested in implementing better regulatory compliance solutions benefited from the improvements in the quality of information available for decision-making and risk management, major factors for an organizations success.
神戸大学経済経営研究所 調査室(兼松記念館1階)
Seminar Room at RIEB (Kanematsu Memorial Hall 1st Floor)
(Intended Audience)
Faculty, Graduate Students, Undergraduates, and People with Equivalent Knowledge
Copies of the paper will be available at Office of Promoting Research Collaboration.