Date & Time Saturday, December 22, 2012, 2:30pm-
Place RIEB Meeting Room (Annex, 2nd Floor)
Intended Audience Faculty, Graduate Students, and People with Equivalent Knowledge
Note Copies of the paper will be available at Office of Promoting Research Collaboration.

Session 1 (2:30pm-4:00pm)

Speaker Gaku UENO
Affiliation Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University
Topic The Relationship between Abnormal Risk Resolutions and Audit Fees

Session 2 (4:15pm-5:45pm)

Speaker Takafumi YAMAGUCHI
Affiliation Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University
Topic Voluntary Disclosure and Firm Value
Abstract This study investigates analytically information disclosure strategies of manager who has two types of information from three viewpoints. (1) Manager has multi-information about asset value. (2) Some traders acquire information by using time and money and utilize for investment decision. (3) Manager chooses investment and leads to maximize firm value. This paper explains the situation of recent years when manager voluntary discloses positively. On the other hands, manager may choose non- disclosure. It may happen that the quality of information manager can choose disclosure is low and the correlation this information and non-disclosure information is high. Considering features of voluntary disclosure information, when manager voluntary discloses, disclosure information is independence from non-disclosure information and high quality about asset value.