ラテンアメリカ・セミナー (Latin America Seminar)

2月6日(木)午後3時30分から (Thursday, February 6, 3:30pm〜)
Santiago Senen GONZALEZ
(Argentine Journalist)
Social Crisis and Labor Movement in Argentina

Argentina has pursued drastic economic reforms in the 1990s according to "Washington Consensus" by which Argentina could realized dramatic trade and investment liberalization and privatization, etc. At the same time, Argentina stopped its long historical hyper-inflation by introducing "currency board exchange rate system." However, on the other hand, labor market was forced to implement "flexibilization" with increased unemployment and weakening labor movements. Moreover, currency crisis and economic crisis happened in January 2002 owing to the default of government debts and the collapse of the currency board system. Facing with such economic and social crisis, the public and the labors are now living in a catastrophic situation. The presentation will discuss the Argentine labor movements focusing on the changes in 1990s and the current challenges in the crisis today. The presenter, Sr. Gonzales is a famous Argentine journalist.
神戸大学経済経営研究所 小会議室 (兼松記念館 1階)
Small Meeting Room at RIEB (Kanematsu Memorial Hall 1st Floor)

Copies of the paper will be available one week before the seminar at Research Assistant Room.
This is lectured in Spanish.