
Kobe Forum (Accountnig)

(Since 1991)
Times Date Theme Speaker
2nd 1995. 5.27-28 The Japanese Style of Business Accounting
"Institutional Accounting Research: An Introduction" Norio Sawabe and Hidetoshi Yamaji
"Classical, Stewardship, and Market Perspective on Accounting: A Synthesis" Shyam Sunder
"Interaction between Japanese Accounting and Economic Structures" Hidetoshi Yamaji
"The Functions of Consolidated Financial Statements in Japan" Akira Kajiwara
"Corporate Groups and Their Auditors" Kazumi Suzuki
"The Countervailing Power of Japanese Auditors" Yoshinao Matsumoto
"Measurement Forecasts of Accounting Numbers in Japan and Daily Stock Returns Behavior" Masatoshi Gotoh
"Dividend Stabilization and Earnings Management through Accounting and Real Discretion in Japanese Firms" Takayoshi Okabe
"A Game Theoretic Approach to Corporate Social Activities and Their Information Disclosure" Isao Nakano
"The Cost Principle and the Labor Theory of Value in Relation to the Role of Accounting Theories and Their Depth" Yuji Ijiri
"Measurement, Disclosure, and Economics" Tsunehiro Tsumori
"Design and Implementation of Contracts: A Comparison of Factor Markets Relevant to Financial Reporting in Japan and the United States" Shyam Sunder
"Evidence on Determinants of Accounting Policy for Research and Development Costs in Korea" Seong-Pyo Cho
"Main Features of Financial Reporting in Germany: An Institutional Consideration" Masatoshi Kuroda
Result : [The Japanese Style of Business Accounting] edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, Quorum Books, Westport,Connecticut, London.(1999)
1st 1991. 11.8-9 Business Behavior and Information
"Business Behavior and Accounting Informaton: Focusing on Subjectivity and Internationalization of Information" Yuji Ijiri
"Toward the Economic Analysis of Falsified Information" Kazuo Shimomura
"Insider Information and Its Role in Security Market" Shyam Sunder
"Firm as Informational 'BA' (Interactive Field)" Hiroyuki Itami
"Modern Function of Accounting Information Disclosure" Hidetoshi Yamaji
"Conservatism in Integrating Information; Implications for International Management" Timothy W.McGuire
and Nancy Paule Melone
"Local Participation and English Language: Japanese Multinational Corporation and Information" Hideki Yoshihara
Result :[Business Behavior and Information] edited by Yuji Ijiri and Isao Nakano, Carnegie Mellon University Press(1992)

Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration - Kobe University
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